For the love of pumpkin spice!! This recipe is sweet, creamy, and can be made ahead! Perfect for your tailgate party when you can't make it to the game OR pre-game when it's a tad chilly outside! Seriously nothing is better than pumpkin spice Apple cider ever!
Pumpkin is packed filled of nutrients and you'll get all of it when you mix fresh pumpkin purée with yummy apply cider! The pumpkin spice Apple cider can actually be made spiked or non-spiked for the kiddies.
For all the grown folks you can add a shot of pumpkin spice vodka or spiced rum for a lil extra kick to your party! Hope you guys enjoy this pumpkin spice Apple cider as much as I did! Make sure to check out my 6 Health Benefits of Pumpkin post and Pumpkin Spice Biscuits post!
Here's how I made it:
½ cups Pumpkin Puree
1/4 cup Sugar or honey
½ teaspoons Vanilla
1-¼ cup Water
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
½ teaspoons All Spice
½ teaspoons Ginger
1 gallon of Apple Cider
Directions for the syrup:
1. Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan and simmer.
2. Lower temperature and cook for about 15 minutes, you'll want to stir every few minutes so that it doesn't become clumpy.
3.You want the mix to be thick, the color may become slighter browner as it simmers.
4. Store in airtight container in the fridge until you're ready to make the cider!
1. Mix about 2-3 Tablespoons of the syrup into your mug of warmed apple cider.
2. Fill about 3/4 of the way up
3. Top off with whip cream and pumpkin spice!
Stay hungry my friends...
Ray B.
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