Cut the Crap -21 Day Detox
Throughout the course of the 3 weeks I did experience some up and downs, there were days I did not bring enough snacks and I of course was hungry but I was able to deal with it and work through it. My snacking options changed from snacking on random unhealthy foods to grabbing a low fat cheese stick or piece of fruit.
After my first week I was able to loose 5 pounds. This was a great achievement in my opinion, I literally haven't lost weight since the last time I had the flu like 6 years ago lol. The second week wasn't as bad but I thought after my weekend in Cincinnati I thought I ruined all my progress. I knew I had to hit it hard week 3 and that's exactly what I did, when the whole program was completed I lost a total of 4 pounds in 3 weeks. This was completely due to eating clean and making good sound decisions.
Now lets keep it real...
This program was created for people like me, people who work, people who don't have extra time, people who don't know much about diets, people who just don't have the motivation. I had all the knowledge in the world to make a change, but I had no motivation and no drive! Something in me changed and that's why I created this program, it's not a cold turkey go vegan, eat raw, be a vegetarian, squats not shots type of thing. It's for people who are ready to make small yet meaningful changes to gradually transition into a better lifestyle.
I want other people to make these changes as well that's why I'm offering it to you as well as I'm introducing a new line of healthy Dessert Protein Bars available for purchase along with your detox plan! We'll save that for another post :) If this is something you are interested in email me at with any questions or concerns...
Here are a few pics from my meals and snacks from my detox:
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